Dark of the Moon

Dramatic / Female/ Female / Unarmed (UA) / Knife (Kn) / February 8, 2018

Howard Richardson and William Berney

Samuel French

Barbara and Edna

This perennial favorite is based on the haunting folk ballad of “Barbara Allen.” Employing a large cast and imaginative settings in the Smoky Mountains, it recounts the story of John, a strange “witch boy” who upon first beholding the beautiful Barbara Allen immediately falls in love. He is given human form to woo and marry her on the condition that she remain true to him. The marriage is consummated and Barbara gives birth to a witch child whom the townspeople destroy in a superstitious frenzy. During a religious revival Barbara is led to betray John thus breaking their spell of love. As she dies, he returns forever to the world of the mountain witches.